
Bad Architectural Websites Hurt

Step by Step Marketing for Small Businesses

Bad Architectural Websites Hurt

Architects are in the business of Design and yet many of them have harmful websites.  Low quality pictures of past projects, a lack of information about the company, and a sub par layout.  These same architects are trying to teach their clients that design and order are everything.  They need to realize that potential clients view their site BEFORE they speak in person.  

Here’s an extract from Vincent Flanders’ “Web Pages that Suck” website. 

I don’t know what the deal is with architects. For an industry that depends on accuracy and stability, they seem wildly inaccurate and unstable. They love, love, love, love Mystery Meat Navigation, which doesn’t make sense because they wouldn’t use this technique on their buildings. When it comes to their web sites, architects seem to be one floor short of a complete building. They all need to be redesigned.

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As an architect and web designer, I understand the importance of first impressions.  I encourage clients to view their site thru their client’s eyes and see what they think.  You might be amazed how quickly some people want to change.  

I hope that all architects come to realize that websites are truly an investment rather than an expense.  

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